My Idea is to work with the geometric forms existing at the place. i want to work with die two seeable fountains. They are perfectly round in reality, as you can the in die google earth view from above. By using the perspective of the observation cam the view is warped immensely. The observation cam works with extremely wide angle lenses. So normale straight street seems to be round.
One idea was to work "against" this optical distortion. I thought about a form who lets us think ist in 2D instead of 3D an perfectly round for the observer behind the observation cam. But I had to face the reality of its impossibility.
So i came back to the Idea to work with an ordinary perfect circle an use it to show the heavy distortion and to focus on the existing round elements - the fountains.
Ich chose the black color for my circle to make a bigger contrast on the floor. The sidewalk ist really bright during a sunny day. It reflects the sun. my circle is able to absorb the sun an focus the attention on this meaningful geometric element of this place.
This is the places i liked the most and chose to work with. The place ist officially called Plaza Juan Pedro Fabini, but it is more known as La Plaza Entrevero. I chose this place because of its architecture und round elements.