The idea of Flora Dinter’s location-related project was an artistic intervention in the public space of Montevideo. The performance was documented by a surveillance camera, which is placed in the pedestrian street „Peatonal Sarandi“. During the performance it was possible to watch the artistic intervention live from all over the world. The idea oft the project was to bring German culture to Uruguay in an interactive way.
Pedestrians were invited to take pictures in the public space while looking through a two meter tall wooden "photo-wall". The artist herself took two pictures of each couple. One for the pedestrians and one for herself. She took the pictures with a Polaroid camera while wearing a traditional German dirdl. Altogether 50 photos were taken during the project. 25 of them were exhibited at the finissage in Montevideo.
Peatonal Sarandí is the main pedestrian street of Ciudad Vieja in Montevideo, Uruguay, and the most frequented tourist venue of the city. Tourists and local people visit the numerous shops, museums, restaurants and vendor stands.
The location of the performance was chosen due to the placement o the surveillance camera “Peatonal Sarandi” by “Vera Cámeras” which is accessible via this link:
The camera was used as a form of medium to document, preserve and to
publish the artistic action. It was a crucial element of the project to perform in order to be watched live. To preserve the temporary action, a recording of the performance was made to preserve
the project.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the project!
To all the pedestrians who took pictures in Montevideo, to my art team and everyone who came to the finissage at the Casa Mario.
A special thank you goes to Prof. Jochen Fischer, Jan Schmidt, Florian Härle, Friedemann and Sebastian Alonso.