Montevideo 2018

performance art projects in the urban space

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The following website is supposed to work as a collection of projects that students of the Goethe University in Frankfurt want to conduct during an exchange and journey to Montevideo, Uruguay in February and March 2018.The works on this website are the result of a seminar held in 2017 in the department of sculpture by Prof. Jochen Fischer, Florian Härle and Jan Schmidt.

All projects and performances are linked back to questions of space and cultural heritage. The spaces in which the students are going to perform are chosen due to the placement of surveillance cameras that are situated all over the city of Montevideo. These cameras are going to be used as a form of medium to document and to publish the different artistic actions. It is a crucial element of the project to perform in order to be watched live on The projects are up until this point still variable in their form.



Copyright © Institut für Kunstpädagogik

Goethe Universität

Frankfurt am Main